Talati Model Paper BY ICE RAJKOT 15 Papers Set

Talati Model Paper BY ICE RAJKOT 15 Papers Set

Revenue Talati Model Paper BY ICE RAJKOT Set-1 Of 15 Papers Download

Talati is a word in the Gujarati and Marathi languages of India. It is used to denote the office of the Talati in rural parts of the Indian states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The office and its holder are both called Talatis. Bearers of the office have adapted this as their family last name. The duties of a Talati include maintaining crop and land records (record of rights) of the village, collection of tax revenue, collection of irrigation dues.The post of the Talati replaced that of the Kulkarni which no longer exists in Gujarat and Maharashtra. The duties of a Talati are performed in other states of India under a different title, for example the Talati is called a Patwari in Andhra Pradesh Originally a land holding clerk, the Talati is now a government-appointed paid official. A Patil (Patel in the state of Gujarat) is from outside the village and assists the Talati in collecting revenue. It has been alleged that the records maintained by the Talati do not reflect the actual position on the ground because the Talati did not take into account the tribal custom of using the name of the adult male member of the family for land possession.

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Talati Model Paper BY ICE RAJKOT 15 Papers Set

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Duties of the Talati In 1814, duties of the Talati included preserving village records, monitoring daily activities, and gathering information about individuals, including mukhis and village elites.
In 1882, the Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency records the duty of the Talati as that of a village accountant with a charge of about 8-10 villages. The palate’s pay scale for this was £12 – £18 (Rs. 120 – Rs. 180) per year. The Talati was supposed to live anywhere within these villages and was supposed to visit each village every month to understand people’s needs. The Talati then reported these needs to the sub-divisional manager in the sub-divisional office. Additionally, the Talati was also required to give each landholder an account showing the landholders dues. In August 1891 the pay of the Talati is recorded as being poor.


 Talati Model Paper BY ICE RAJKOT 15 Papers Set

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Revenue Talati 15 Model Papers Set 2018
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